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Advertise In The America's Best College & University In America! Choose Print Advertising Or Digital Online Advertising!

Nationwide Newspapers Advertising now offers over a hundred college and universities newspapers and makes it simple for you to advertise your ad in print, online, or both.
Why should you market to college students? The college market consists of about 15 million people who spend over 120 billion annually. More than 79% of college students go online at least once a day. Over 95% of college students have access to the web. Whether you are looking to reach a specific college newspaper, or need to plan and coordinate an entire recruitment campaign, Nationwide Newspapers can help you reach this dynamic market.
America’s 22 million college students represent more than $400 billion in buying power and they read their school paper. • 93% of students on a campus with a college paper report reading it. • 60% of students say they prefer their school’s print edition while 24% say they read both print and digital equally. Only 16% say they prefer the online edition. • And they read often: 69% say they have read their school paper in the last week. • They spend time with their paper: The average amount of time spent reading the paper by students is 14 minutes and 68% read the entire paper. 63% share their copy with at least one other person for an average of 2.7 readers per copy. • 41% of students report using their school newspaper to look for jobs. STUDENTS USE THE PAPER FOR BUYING DECISONS When making purchase decision one in three students say they use their college newspaper as a source of information and 26% say their college newspaper influenced a purchase of a product or service within the past month. • 33% mention an ad to a friend • 33% go to a website mentioned in an ad • 32% clip a coupon • 28% attend an event featured in an ad • 23% save an ad for future reference • 19% visit or call a store mentioned in an ad • 16% purchase an advertised product or service. 86% of school newspaper readers look at ads in print with display ads the most noticed (72%) by readers.
Nationwide Newspapers Advertising offers hundreds of college publications across the United States and makes it easy for you to choose the publication that you want to advertise whether it is an online ad, a print ad, or both.
PRINT ADVERTISING is based on a 20 word classified line ad in print for four days. Additional word cost is $5.00 per word.
ONLINE ADVERTISING is based on a 20 word classed line ad online only for 30 days. Additional word cost is $1.00 per word.
DISPLAY ADVERTISING is available in both the print and digital editions. Send your request and ad to the Sales Dept at: Sales@NationwideAdvertising.com
 | ALASKA - CALIFORNIA: Advertise a 20 Word Classified Line Ad Online For 30 Days. Choose any college newspaper for only $79.00 a month. |
|  | COLORADO - IDAHO: Advertise a 20 Word Classified Line Ad Online For 30 Days. Choose any college newspaper for only $79.00 a month. |
|  | ILLINOIS - MARYLAND: Advertise a 20 Word Classified Line Ad Online For 30 Days. Choose any college newspaper for only $79.00 a month. |
 | MASSACHUSETTS - NEW YORK: Advertise a 20 Word Classified Line Ad Online For 30 Days. Choose any college newspaper for only $79.00 a month. |
|  | NORTH CAROLINA - TENNESSEE: Advertise a 20 Word Classified Line Ad Online For 30 Days. Choose any college newspaper for only $79.00 a month. |
 | TEXAS - WYOMING: Advertise a 20 Word Classified Line Ad Online For 30 Days. Choose any college newspaper for only $79.00 a month. |
|  | Rates are based on a 20 word classified line ad for 4 issues in print. |